


  • 第61回 生態学会大会
    • 全国スケールでの陸生鳥類の相補性解析から明らかになったオープンランドの保全上の重要性
    • Research design and volunteer coordingation taking account of different skill levels
      Kazuo Koyama

  • Digital Conservation Conference 2014, 21-23 May University of Aberdeen
    • Environmental profiling experience for nature conservation with Cyberforest, that is real-time monitoring and archiving on the internet
      Saito K, Nakamura K, Ueta M, Kurosawa R, Fujiwara A, Kobayashi H, M Nakayama, Nagahama K & Toko A

  • 26th International Ornithological Conngress
    • Monitoring the changes of population and phenology of land birds in Japan
    • Comparison of morphological traits in two subspecies of Ashy minivet (Pericrocotus divaricatus) specimens
    • Expanding wintering distributions of Rooks in Japan
    • Comparison of Breeding Parameters in Eurasian Tree Sparrow Between Urban and Rural Areas.
    • Expanding wintering distributions of Rooks in Japan
    • Lepidoptera fauna in nests of Wedge-tailed Shearwater, Bulwer’s Petrel and Blue Rock Thrush and hygrothermal condition in the nests in the oceanic Ogasawara Islands, Japan
    • The different arrival strategy of matured and immature Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina
    • Why Tree Sparrows are special in Japanese culture: an analysis of family emblems
    • Breeding density decreases hatching success and unhatched eggs are biased to male in Eurasian tree sparrows
    • Effective net mesh-size and fishing-line interval as countermeasures to Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus
    • Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples provide different habitats for birds living in Japanese cities