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Collection and analysis of data, and database construction
A database of wildlife species is essential for efficient conservation activities. We collect and analyze data on the distribution and ecology of birds to construct database intended for their conservation.
Studying our familiar birds

Monitoring backyard birds around your houses.

Collecting data on the first seasonal sightings of eight familiar species.。

The results are shown on a map in real time.

Monitoring the breeding performance of Tree Sparrows to determine the cause
of their decline. |

Recording the fledging date of birds in nest boxes to see the relationship with climate changes.
Bird monitoring projects

Surveying birds of wetlands such as ducks and geese

We provide a free database system to store the important data you have
collected. You can use it to make a database for your group.

Surveying birds of forests.

Surveying wader population. |

Monitoring the population trends of birds visiting Japan only in winter.

Monitoring the distribution and its changes of introduced birds. |
Bird surveys focusing on particular species

Rooks, winter visitors to Japan, have been expanding their distribution
in recent years. In addition to exploring the history of their distribution
expansion and their arrival dates, we conduct a long-term monitoring of
their status in Japan.

Conducting a national monitoring project of the population status and habitat of Ruddy Crakes, which shows their decline in Kanto region, central Japan.

Narcissus Flycatchers are summer visitors to Japan. We study their first
arrival date and habitat use.

We conduct a research according to our research plan and propose management
programs on the Great Cormorant that has caused feeding damage to inshore
fishing industries.

Little Egrets seem to have declined rapidly in recent years. We explore their national population status through inquiries.

The results are shown on a map in real time.

Ashy Minivets, summer visitors to Japan, have declined rapidly. Ryukyu
Sanshokui, their subspecies, on the other hand, have expanded their distribution
northward. We investigate their distributions to see the relationship between

 Snowy Plovers, year-round residents in sand beaches and riverbeds, are on the decline. We monitor their national population status through inquires.

Monitoring the breeding performance of Tree Sparrows to determine the cause
of their decline. |