
Scientific reports on journals
- Forest bird survey
- Hirano, T., Ueta, M., Imamori, T., Kawasaki, S., Uchida, H., Kato, K. & Kanai, Y. 2009. A comparison of detection rate of bird species between point counts and route censuses in woodlands. Bird Research 5: T1-T13.
- Ueta, M., Fukui, A., Yamaura, Y. & Yamamoto, Y. 2011. Status of
forest birds in Japan. Jpn. J. Ornithol. 60: 19?34.
- Ueta, M., Hirano, T. & Koyama, K. 2006. Influence of route census frequency on species accumulation curves in forest and grassland. Strix 24: 31-38.
- Raptor study
- Hirano, T. 2005. The effects of vegetated artificial islands on the habitat use of hunting Eastern Marsh Harriers. Bird Research 1: A15-A23.
- Hirano, T. 2008. The Habitat use of hunting Eastern Marsh Harriers wintering in Watarase Marsh. Bird Research 4: A9-A18.
- Hirano, T., Endo, K., Nonaka, J., Kawada, H., Uchida, H., Horie, R., Nagano, D., Funatsumaru, H. & Ueta, M. 2010. A long-term monitoring survey of wintering Eastern Marsh Harriers and Hen Harriers in Watarase Marsh. Bird Research 6: A29-A42.
- Matsue, M., Momose, H., Ueta, M., & Fujiwara, N. 2006. Factors affecting the breeding density of Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis). J. Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 69: 513-518.
- Momose, H., Ueta, M., Fujiwara, N., Uchiyama, T., Ishizaka, T., Morisaki, K. & Matsue, M. 2005. Factors affecting the number of breeding Grey-faced Buzzard-Eagles Butastur indicus. J. Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 68: 555-558.
- Ueta, M. 2007. Effect of Japanese lesser sparrowhawks Accipiter gularis on the nest site selection of azure-winged magpies Cyanopica cyana through their nest defending behavior. J. Avian Biology 38: 427-431.
- Ueta, M. & Hirano, T. 2006. Decline of Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks breeding in Tokyo and Utsunomiya, central Japan. Ornithological Science 5: 165-169.
- Ueta, M., Horie, R., Uchida, H. & Endo, K. 2010. Estimation of home ranges and important foraging areas of Northern Goshawks based on nest distributions, vegetation and land-use. Bird Research 6: T1-T9.
- Ueta, M., Kurosawa, R. & Matsuno, H. 2006. Habitat loss and the decline
of Grey-faced Buzzards (Butastur indicus) in Tokyo, Japan. Journal of Raptor Research 40: 52-56.
- Ueta, M., Momose, H., Nakamura, H. & Matsue, M. 2006. Nest site characteristics of four raptor species breeding in a hilly area of Tochigi and Nagano, central Japan. Jpn. J. Ornithol. 55: 48-55.
- Ueta, M., Momose, H., Yamada, Y., Tanaka, K.D. & Matsue, M. 2006. Habitat use and natal dispersal patterns of fledgling Goshawks. Bird Research 2: A1-A10.
- Great Cormorant management
- Coexistence with wind-power development
- Automated detection and identification of bird sound
- Automated detection of flying birds using a radar
- Ueta, M., Shimada, Y. Arisawa, Y., Takagi, K. & Higuchi, H. 2008. Effectiveness
of "bird echoes" by Wind Profiler in a bird migration study.
Bird Research 4: T9-T20.
- Ueta, M., Shimada, Y. Arisawa, Y., & Higuchi, H. 2009. The regional
and seasonal status of bird migration determined by weather radar. Bird
Research 5: A9-A18.
- Research technique development
- Ueta, M. 2007. Special Feature: study of breeding ecology of birds using
temperature sensors. Bird Research 3: T1-T2.
- Ueta, M., Hirano, T., Kawasaki, S., Kurosawa, R., Murahama, S., Aoki, N., Imamori, T., Fukuda, Y., Umada, K. & Kanai, Y. 2009. A comparison of bird species detection rates between point counts and route censuses in grassland. Bird Research 5: T23-T32.
- Ueta, M., Mizuta, T. & Murahama, S. 2007. Recommendation of using temperature
sensors to study breeding ecology of birds. Bird Research 3: T29-T32.
- Ueta, M., Seki, S. & Koike, S. 2007. Utility of a small temperature
logger to monitor the breeding phenology at nest boxes of passerine bird
species. Bird Research 3: T3-T11.
- Ueta, M. & Tanaka, K. 2006. Nest observation analysis with a motion
detecting software for recorded video images. Bird Research 2: T1-T7.
- Others
- Hirano, T. 2005. The breeding habitats and distributions of three species
of wagtails in Utsunomiya. Bird Research 1: A25-A32.
- Kurosawa, R. 2009. Disturbance-induced bird diversity in early successional habitats in the humid temperate region of northern Japan. Ecol. Res. 24: 687-696.
- Matsui, S., Kasahara, S., Mikami, K., Morimoto, G. & Mikami, O.K. in
press. Nine-egg clutch of Tree Sparrows using a nest box in Akita Prefecture,
northern Japan. Strix 27:
- Mikami, O.K. & Mikami, K. 2010. A method for estimating damage to cherry blossoms caused by tree sparrows. Bird Research 6: T11-T21.
- Mikami, K. & Yamaguchi, N. in press. Displacement of Great Tits Parus
major and Varied Tits P. varius from their nest boxes by breeding bumble
bees Bombus ardens. Strix 27:
- Namba, T., Yabuhara, Y., Yukinari, K. & Kurosawa, R. 2010. Changes
in the avifauna of the Hokkaido University campus, Sapporo, detected by
a long-term census. Ornithol. Sci. 9: 37-48.
- Quinn, J.L. & Ueta, M. 2008. Protective nesting associations in birds.
Ibis 150(s1): 146-167.
- Ueta, M. 2006. Development of a convenient method for monitoring flying insects as a food resource for birds. Bird Research 2: A25-A33.
- Ueta, M., Matsuno, H. & Kurosawa, R. 2005. Drastic decline of Skylarks
and their habitat change in Tokyo, Japan. Bird Research 1: A1-A8.
- Yamaguchi, N., Hiraoka, E., Fujita, M., Hijikata, N., Ueta, M., Takagi,
K., Konno, S., Okuyama, M., Watanabe, Y., Osa, Y., Morishita, E., Tokita,
K., Umada, K., Fujita, G. & Higuchi, H. 2008. Spring migration routes
of Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) that winter in Jpan, determined from satellite telemetry. Zoological Science 25: 875-881.