Target species
In the era of global warming, we need to have a system to monitor the
responses of birds to the environmental changes. Therefore, we started
the monitoring of bird phenology with the cooperation of citizens in 2005.
Records of the arrival of summer visitors and first singing dates were
collected over the Internet. The species were selected with the identification
ease for beginners to in mind.
Common cuckoo
Cuculus canorus
song(mp3) |
--- |
Lesser cuckoo
Cuculus poliocephalus
song(mp3) |
Brown hawk owl
Ninox scutulata
song(mp3) |
Barn swallow
Hirundo rustica
(arrival at nest)
Alauda arvensis
(first singing flight)
song(mp3) |
Japanese bush warbler
Horornis diphone
(first singing)
song(mp3) |
Send observation data
result 2019 result 2018
result 2017 result 2016